Afterwork rides — Regular community rides around Prague and its surroundings

Repete, cycles, afterwork, rides, community

Want to routinely go out with a group every Thursday evening, leave your workday worries behind you for a moment, and break away from the shadows of the city streets? We have been going on community rides for three seasons already. These rides are driven by a perpetual desire to hang out with each other and ride through the countryside together.

We plan routes up to 70 kilometers long, but leave the pace unspoken. The unwritten rule is to return with a complete line-up; in other words, we don’t compete. You can take a quick sprint for yourself, but you can also chat on the climb or take a break for beer and sausages with horseradish. We like to discover new horizons during the rides, but we occasionally also repeat some of the established classics. It is enriching to see how the landscape changes throughout the seasons, to experience impressive sunsets, and to improve form as well.

Repete, cycles, afterwork, rides, community
Repete, cycles, afterwork, rides, community
Repete, cycles, afterwork, rides, community
Repete, cycles, afterwork, rides, community
Repete, cycles, afterwork, rides, community
Repete, cycles, afterwork, rides, community
Repete, cycles, afterwork, rides, community

Mikuláš Novotný, architect 

“Repete rides are about both new and familiar places, but each time is different. There is a balanced power to trip ratio. These moments let you just clear your head; even when you discuss things you enjoy, but don’t seem to know how after a few beers. ”

Ondřej Kubáč, IT developer

“Thursday’s Repete rides are a great deviation from the working week for me. After all-day meetings, I can finally change my shirt for a jersey and get out of Prague. Participants in this slightly changing group of super people, which define the rides, make them consistently original. There are always passages for a chat, a sprint, sometimes a good sprint, and when it’s time, watching the sun over the horizon, maybe from a garden or amusement park. That makes me really happy. Before returning home, I usually think of a stop at Bullerbyn, which tastes really good.”

Repete, cycles, afterwork, rides, community

Jan Holub, architect

“I’m tired of rushing and somehow I know I will never catch up to the rally. Stupid combination. Thursdays are no better, but when I run out of the studio, it’s a time when I don’t mind. I know that I am going through the city to Moravska street and the universe will be in balance again. For me, it is the best way to meet friends each week, to have fun, and spend my time according to my own rules. ”

David Maceška, messenger

“I madly appreciate the participation, which has been really great so far. It is great to have a chance to bond with friends who do not worry about work as much as having fun. An afternoon ride through the countryside on a proper road along the mad shuffles of a bike speeding by traffic is really refreshing. Just a fast ride, and then talk about our machines over beers. I am fascinated by riding side-by-side with a pair of riders cruising at 50 km/h with centimeters between each other, feeling a train of six more people breathing on your back. At the same time, you know that no one will want to corner you or jam you up, because it’s definitely about friendships and not rivalries.”

Repete, cycles, afterwork, rides, community
Repete, cycles, afterwork, rides, community
Repete, cycles, afterwork, rides, community
Repete, cycles, afterwork, rides, community
Repete, cycles, afterwork, rides, community

Repete rides are about new encounters, fun challenges, and random discoveries. Although the short jersey season is almost over, we will continue our community activities over the winter. You can look forward to visiting our production facilities, film screenings, or planned lectures at our Vinohrady showroom.

For up-to-date information on planned events or subscribe to our newsletter, follow the calendar on the home page.