Meet our new partner — Ski and Bike Centrum Radotín

Repete, SBCR, ride, bicycle

We are very pleased to announce that Repete bikes are now available at SBCR, a shop with a 34-year history, located in Radotin’s renovated Vindyšova factory. In addition to offering a variety of great brands in their retail area, SBCR hosts events and prepares delicious food in their restaurant. To celebrate the launch of our partnership, we organized a joint event with a group ride on October 8, 2022, attended by Repete and SBCR riders and Peter Velits from Isadore. We ended the day by premiering a video from Bikes On Film, which we are very happy to share with you now. Click the link below and enjoy!

Repete, SBCR, ride, bicycle
Repete, SBCR, ride, bicycle
Repete, SBCR, factory, frame
Repete, SBCR, founder, factory
Repete, SBCR, factory, frame
Repete, SBCR, ride, bicycle
Repete, SBCR, ride, bicycle
Repete, SBCR, ride, bicycle
Repete, SBCR, ride, bicycle, defender
Repete, SBCR, ride, bicycle

Repete, SBCR, ride, bicycle

Repete, SBCR, ride, bicycle

Repete, SBCR, ride, bicycle

Repete, SBCR, ride, bicycle

Repete, SBCR, ride, bicycle

Repete, SBCR, ride, bicycle

Repete, SBCR, ride, bicycle
Repete, SBCR, ride, bicycle
Repete, SBCR, ride, bicycle
Repete, SBCR, ride, bicycle

Repete, SBCR, ride, bicycle
Repete, SBCR, ride, bicycle

Repete, SBCR, bicycle, Krňanský
Repete, SBCR, bicycle