Gallery: Happy New Reason

Memories of the final countdown - R3 Reason was ready at the SBCR spaceport, preparing for a spectacular launch. We celebrated the Happy New Reason event with this memorable moment. All we know now is that R3 Reason is successfully floating through space. The flight diary below.


Gallery: Echoes from the Factory visit!

Repete, factory, visit
Thank you all for coming. We were happy to show you where our frames are made and guide you through the manufacturing process. Thanks also to our partners...

Gallery: Filip’s journey to the new decoded R3 Reason

Night rider, extraordinary endurance athlete, and the man behind the daily production of Repete frames. This is Filip Ludvik. Filip decided to pick up his new R3: Reason from Prague all the way to Cy...

Decode your Team: Jazdím Čiernu Stredu

Repete, jazdím čiarnu stredu, bicycle, ride
They call themselves "baby," read in Czech, or rather in Slovak, no "bejby." There are three of them, and together they lead a women's amateur cycling club in Bratislava. They don't prepare for races ...